FBiH: EBRD to grant a 25 million euro loan for photovoltaic power plants Gračanica 1 and Gračanica 2

The Government of FBiH passed the Decision on granting prior approval for the loan of Elektroprivreda BiH from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the implementation of the Project “Construction of Photovoltaic Power Plant Gračanica 1 and Photovoltaic Power Plant Gračanica 2 in the amount of EUR 25.1 million.

According to the decision, the Prime Minister of FBiH is tasked with submitting the proposal of the decision on granting prior approval for credit indebtedness to the Parliament of FiH for consideration and adoption.

Elektroprivreda BiH is responsible for the implementation of this decision.

Urban planning permits for photovoltaic power plants Gračanica 1 and 2 in Travnik were handed over a year ago.