Greece: Exploratory drilling in Eastern Mediterranean to start by 2026

The first exploratory drilling in the Eastern Mediterranean is projected to commence between late 2025 and early 2026, according to Greek Environment and Energy Minister Theodoros Skylakakis. He made this announcement during the “East Mediterranean Gas Forum” meeting held in Athens.

Skylakakis emphasized the increasing significance of the Eastern Mediterranean region for European energy security and supply diversification, particularly as the European Union gradually reduces its imports of Russian natural gas.

Greece is already a key player in supplying European nations with gas from the Eastern Mediterranean. This gas is transported in liquefied form, re-gasified, and then fed into the Greek network, from where it is distributed via existing international interconnections.

Meanwhile, hydrocarbon exploration activities are ongoing in Israel, Egypt, Cyprus, and Greece, highlighting the region’s growing role in the energy sector.

Skylakakis highlighted the development of the Vertical gas corridor, which involves investments aimed at increasing transmission capacity from Greece to northern European countries.

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