Hungary: The average price on the HUPX day-ahead market reached 62 euros/MWh in April

The average price of electricity on the day-ahead market of the Hungarian energy exchange HUPX amounted to 61.96 euros/MWh in April, 5% lower compared to the previous month (65.08 euros/MWh). The average HUPX DAM peak price amounted to 51.18 euros/MWh, 20% lower compared to February.

Traded volume on the day-ahead market reached 2.45 million MWh, which is 3% less compared to March and 25% more than in April 2023. The average daily traded volume amounted to 81,752 MWh.

Traded volume on the intraday market amounted to 761,329 MWh in April, which is 2% less compared to the previous month. The average daily traded volume amounted to 25,378 MWh, while the average price for the hourly product amounted to 60.97 euros per MWh.

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