Rumunija: BSOG napreduje sa projektom ofšor vetra od 3 GW

Kompanija BSOG, koji je započela ekstrakciju prirodnog gasa u perimetru Midia u plitkim vodama Crnog mora u Rumuniji (MGD projekat), odlučila je da nastavi sa svojim projektom vetroelektrane na moru na istom mestu, nakon završetka studije izvodljivosti. BSOG i njegovi partneri planiraju da razviju ofšor vetroelektranu instalisane snage 3 GW, prema nedavnoj najavi. Konsultant u […]

Rumunija: BSOG napreduje sa projektom ofšor vetra od 3 GW Read More »

Greece: The share of electricity produced in gas-fired power plants to decrease by 73% in 2030

Greek gas-fired power plants are planned to contribute a total of 5.4 TWh to the energy mix in 2030, down from 19 TWh in 2022, a 72 percent reduction that will be unavoidable as a result of the influx of more renewables, Aristotelis Aivaliotis, the energy ministry’s General Secretary of Energy and Natural Resources, has

Greece: The share of electricity produced in gas-fired power plants to decrease by 73% in 2030 Read More »

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